Welcome to Rivr Notes: Your Weekly Dose of Insight and Adventure

Welcome to the very first post of Rivr Notes, where we blend the thrill of the outdoors with practical wisdom for personal and professional growth. If you’re here, you’re probably looking for something more than the usual business blog—something that cuts through the noise and gets right to the heart of what matters most in your journey as a leader, entrepreneur, professional, and a human.

Rivr Notes isn’t your typical blog. We know you’re busy, so we keep it short and sweet—just 3 to 5 minutes of engaging content every week. Our goal is to explore compelling stories and share insightful guidance that helps you navigate the daily challenges of life and business with confidence. Whether you’re facing a major decision, leading a team, or just looking for a spark of inspiration, Rivr Notes has something for you. And here’s a little sneak peek into next week’s post: I can’t wait to tell you about my 48-mile run across the Grand Canyon and back—trust me, it’s a story you won’t want to miss.

Now, let’s talk about the vibe here. You’ll notice we’re steering clear of the stiff, corporate stock photos that seem to haunt most business websites. Instead, all the photos you’ll see in Rivr Notes are snapped on real adventures. Because let’s face it, the best ideas don’t come from sitting behind a desk—they come when you’re out in the world, soaking up everything it has to offer. That’s the spirit of OnRivr: creativity flows best when you’re outside, experiencing life firsthand. So, whether it’s a shot of a serene Rivr, a rugged mountain trail, or a quiet forest path, know that each image is as genuine as the insights we share.

Beyond business exits, Rivr Notes offers a wealth of knowledge for leaders across all fields. We’re here to help you grow, not just professionally but personally, too. From leadership tips to life hacks, each post is crafted to give you practical wisdom that you can apply right away.

So, grab your coffee, tea, or whatever fuels your day, and join us on this journey. We’re excited to have you along for the ride, and we can’t wait to see where this Rivr of knowledge takes us.

Here’s to growth, adventure, and navigating the twists and turns of life—together.

See you next week,

Brent, your Rivr guide

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